The Center for the Study of the Quran (PSQ) continues to be committed to spreading the Understanding of Islam that brings mercy to all. Various programs have been and will be carried out regularly. However, there is a broken link, namely how to take advantage of the products produced by PSQ, especially in terms of the resources of the ustaz.On the other hand, there are many complaints in the community that it is difficult to get competent resource persons/ustaz for various kinds of religious events that have become a necessity.That is one of the reasons for the presence of to be a point of contact between the Ummah and the Ustadz. Liked PSQ as a kitchen that has prepared various kinds of menus that are halal (kopenten), thayyiban/healthy (moderate), then Cariustad is a restaurant that is ready to help and serve various needs of the people.There will be much that can be done when all of us who have longed for the spread of a moderate understanding of Islam work together to work together to fight for this mission.Hopefully it will be a record of good deeds for all of us.